Brampton launch Planning Appeal!

We need your help again – please object


Thank you for your continued support, your comments do count!
Earlier this year Bedford Borough Council refused the application by Brampton Valley Homes for 17 houses on Odell Road but Brampton have submitted an appeal against that decision and we need to fight back.

The appeal will be determined by a Planning Inspector who will review written representations from both sides and also make a site visit. It is very important that we write again to the Inspector quoting reference: APP/K0235/W/24/3355247

In refusing the last Brampton Valley Homes application, the Planning Officer noted that 87 objections had been made. We appreciate the effort and time you take in objecting, especially as this does seem somewhat ridiculous, with application after application, but your objections really make a difference.

The appeal has been launched by Brampton against refusal of their last application so the reasons to object remain the same, however, you can also refer to the 9 reasons for refusal given by Bedford Borough Council earlier this year and also the reasons why the previous appeal was rejected in 2020. All of this information is on this website. 

Key Questions

Hasn’t this site been the focus of previous planning applications?

Yes it has, for nearly 20 years, and they have all been rejected by the Council and at Appeal.

Why was planning refused on this and other developments in the area?

Because they were in open countryside and too far away from amenities.

But it’s in the Harrold Neighbourhood Plan, so why object?

Because it’s in the plan does not mean it is a ‘done deal’. It still has to have planning permission.

Is the drive just for access to the field?

Looks like access for further development…

Previous applications for development on this site have not been successful

2024 refused under delegated powers by Bedford Borough Council planning officers for various reasons including over-development. (Application 24/00243/MAF by Brampton Valley Homes for 17 houses and associated infrastructure.)

2023 Bedford Borough Council would have recommended refusal to the Planning Committee for various reasons if not withdrawn. (Application 23/02664/MAF by Brampton for development of 17 dwellings and associated infrastructure.)

2020 refused Planning Permission at Appeal for various reasons including sustainability. (Appeal ref. APP/K0235/W/19/3234032.)

2019 Bedford Borough Council would have recommended refusal to the Planning Committee for various reasons if not for Appeal on grounds of non-determination. (Application 19/00842/MAO by Catesby for 90 houses, access and associated works.)

2017 ruled out in an independent assessment by Mato’ Design Associates on grounds of suitability, availability, achievability and acceptability.

2016 ruled out by Bedford Borough Council Highways Department on grounds of access.

2015 refused under delegated powers by Bedford Borough Council planning officers on grounds of access. (Application 15/00667/CPNQ to convert the old barn into a single dwelling.)

2010 ruled out by Bedford Borough Council in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) on grounds of sustainability.

2006 refused Planning Permission by Bedford Borough Council on grounds of access. (Application 6/01754/FUL to convert agricultural buildings to storage and distribution buildings.)

Reasons to object

Access to the site
The proposed access is dangerous on a blind bend. The submitted traffic survey is inadequate and incomplete: only 7 pages of the 53 pages of data have been presented so it is impossible to see the full picture. The survey was not taken at the proposed new access point but adjacent to the T-junction where speeds are compromised. It was also taken in winter and not in a ‘neutral month’ in accordance with government guidelines on traffic data collection. It should be done again and the results presented in full.

Development in open countryside
This application is development in open countryside with an associated loss of agricultural land, wildlife corridors and habitats and even more hedgerow than the previous application. Collectively this will negatively impact the ecology and biodiversity of the area, replacing it with housing, roads and a car park.  Concreting over open countryside also leads to more flooding: no amount of so-called ‘mitigation’ will stop the river bursting it’s banks, flooding the bridges and cutting off our villages. We have already seen this twice this winter.

Site layout
The site plan has major flaws; issues concerning car parking, refuse collection and emergency service access remain unresolved due to the density of the development which leaves an inadequate amount of green amenity space.

Access to field
Despite requests from Harrold Parish Council, the applicant has still not removed the access route to the remainder of the field. Clearly this is phase one of a much bigger development.

Sustainable development
This application does not represent sustainable development. The site is not within walking distance of local amenities and will put additional pressure on existing services in Harrold, some of which are already operating at full capacity. It will encourage the use of private vehicles, adding to pollution and congestion.

Reasons Bedford Borough Council refused the application in 2024

01. The proposed layout is considered to be cramped and overdeveloped due to the number of larger dwellings proposed (4 and 5-bed) which results in limited spacing, reduced garden depths, parking to the front and increased hardstanding areas to the detriment of the character and appearance of the local area and visual amenity of the adjoining countryside contrary to Policies 28S, 29 and 30 of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 and Policies NDP1 and NDP4 of the Harrold Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020-2030.

02. The proposed layout fails to assimilate the affordable dwellings into the development so that there is no distinguishable difference from the market dwellings. The development is therefore contrary to the requirements of Policy 58S of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030.

03. The proposed layout does not provide sufficient on-site landscaping to enhance the visual amenity of the adjoining countryside or create a beautiful place contrary to Policy 38 of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 and Policies NDP1 and NDP 4 of the Harrold Neighbourhood Development Plan 2020-2030.

04. Due to the position, height and design of plot 17, the development will have an overbearing impact on the occupiers of 91 Odell Road to the detriment of their residential amenity contrary to Policy 32 (iv) of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030.

05. The applicant has failed to provide sufficient on-site public open space in accordance with the Council’s adopted Open Space 


Supplementary Planning Document 2013. The development is therefore contrary to Policy AD28 of the Allocations and Designations Local Plan 2013.

06. The applicant has failed to adequately demonstrate that Great Crested Newts will not be impacted by the proposed development or propose suitable mitigation. The development is therefore contrary to Policy 42S of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030.

07. The proposed development, if permitted, would fail to secure and make adequate provision for affordable housing on the site. The development is therefore contrary to Policy 58S of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030.

08. The proposed development, if permitted, would fail to secure and make adequate financial contribution towards the provision of off-site outdoor sports space and play areas within the locality of the site. The development is therefore contrary to Policy AD28 of the Bedford Borough Allocations and Designations Local Plan (2013), Policy 86S of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 and Bedford Borough Council’s Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (2013).

09. The proposed development, if permitted, would fail to secure and make adequate financial contribution towards the provision of general medical services within the locality of the site. The development is therefore contrary to Policies 33 and 86S of the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030 and Bedford Borough Council’s Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (2013).

Brampton have submitted an ‘Appeal Statement’ prepared by Smith Jenkins Ltd which seeks to refute these reasons. Careful reading of that document reveals that Brampton rushed the application, submitted conflicting drawings, failed to commission adequate surveys and are now aiming to pay their way out of the problems they have created.

Highlights are their defence of the amenity space to ‘mitigate’ against Reason 5 which they are at pains to point out is not a ‘wide grass verge’ when it clearly is exactly that: two patches of land hard up against the roads and separated by car parking spaces.

The defence against Reason 6 is simply incorrect: photos exist of Great Crested Newts on adjoining properties. Bedford Borough Council is aware of this. The full ‘Appeal Statement’ can be found by clicking the button below:

Reason the appeal was refused application in 2020

At appeal in 2020 the Planning Inspector concluded:

“Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Overall I have found the development would not accord with the Council’s current adopted or emerging spatial strategy. It would fail to conserve and enhance the character and distinctiveness of the local landscape and would adversely impact on the character and appearance of the area 


generally. Furthermore, the development would not amount to a sustainable form of development, including that related to rural housing and sustainable transport.”

“Bearing all of the above in mind, there are no material considerations that would indicate that the decision in this case should be taken otherwise than in accordance with the Development Plan. Accordingly, and having regard to all other matters raised, I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed and Planning Permission Refused.”

Act now – write to the Planning Inspector today



A. Click button above to go to the Appeals Casework Portal.

B. Once in portal click on ‘Make Representation’.

C. On following page click ‘Save and Continue’.

D. Continue to fill in forms as requested remembering to ‘Save and Continue’ until completed.

2. Write to: The Planning Inspectorate, c/o Room 3B Eagle Wing Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN, quoting the reference number: APP/K0235/W/24/3355247



Please only use the above list of possible objections as a guide. The Borough Council will not count duplicate objections so please document the issues that are important to you, in your own words.


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